Our Mission Statement

We are a professional society whose mission is to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. We seek to bring students and teachers together for intellectual and social exchanges, which promote and assist historical research and publication by our members in a variety of ways.

Symbols of Our Society

The symbolism of the Society is a Star, a Serpent, the Colors, and the Flower.

The six-pointed star, which is composed of two triangles, is worked in black and laid on a circular frame, the whole encircled by a Serpent, the Ouroboros. That which governs the universe may be thought of as having three attributes: Parenthood, Spirit of Life, and Reason, which are symbolized by one of the triangles. Ancient philosophers believed that people and the world were made of three elements: Spirit, Blood, and Water. These are represented by the second triangle of the Star. The triangle with the apex below the base symbolizes the guiding principles of the universe.

PI signifies Progonos, for Parenthood

PSI signifies Psyche, for Spirit of Life

LAMBDA signifies Logos, for Reason

ALPHA signifies Haima, for Blood

UPSILON signifies Hydor, for Water

PSI signifies Psyche, for Spirit of Life

The union of these two triangles forming the six-pointed star (the Ancient Assyrian sign of divinity) symbolizes the intimate relation of the infinite and the human. By some ancient peoples, the Serpent was regarded as a symbol of eternity, good fortune, and plenty. In our symbolism, it signifies happiness, fruitfulness, and eternity. Superimposed on the black within the two triangles are the three letters, PHI, ALPHA, THETA, – Philia, Anthropos, Theos, – signifying Love, Humanity, God.

The colors of our society also denote the relation between the human and the infinite. The red symbolizes the blood, which is essential to human life, while the blue symbolizes the sky, which to many ancient peoples signified the divine. The flower, a deep red rose, symbolizes beauty, charm, and fervency.