Upcoming Regional Conferences
Don’t see a Regional Conference listed for your area? We update this page as soon as we hear from Regional hosts, so check back soon!

Virginia Regional
This regional will be held at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA.
Host: Professor Benjamin Esswein (btesswein@liberty.edu)

New York-New Jersey Regional
This regional will be held at Iona University in New Rochelle, NY.
Host: Professor Michael J. Hughes (mjhughes@iona.edu) and Professor Jimena Perry (jperry@iona.edu)
Visit https://www.iona.edu/phi-alpha-theta-ny-nj-regional-conference-2025 for more details!

Texas East Regional
This regional will be held at East Texas Baptist University in Marshall, TX.
Host: Professor Jenny Hoover: jhoover@etbu.edu
Proposals are due Friday, January 31st. See details below.

Michigan Regional
This regional will be held at Oakland University in Rochester, MI.
Host: Professor Liz Shesko: phialphatheta@oakland.edu

Pennsylvania East Regional
This regional will be held at West Chester University in West Chester, PA.
Host: Professor Robert Kodosky: rkodosky@wcupa.edu
Submit your papers by Monday, March 10, 2025.
Visit this Regional’s website to learn more: https://www.wcupa.edu/arts-humanities/history/honor-society-conference.aspx

Utah Regional
This regional will be held at Utah Valley University in Orem, UT.
Host: Professor Mark Lentz: MLentz@uvu.edu

Mid-Atlantic Regional
This regional will be held at Bowie State University in Bowie, MD.
Host: Professor Tamara Brown: tlbrown@bowiestate.edu

Ohio Regional
This regional will be held at Kent State University in Kent, OH.
Hosts: Dr. Lindsay Starkey (lstarke3@kent.edu) and Joseph A. Gaffney (jgaffne4@kent.edu)
Abstracts are due by Wednesday, January 15, 2025. See details below.

Carolinas Regional
This regional will be held at Coastal Carolina University in Conway, SC
Host: Professor John Navin: jnavin@coastal.edu

Northern California Regional
This regional will be held at Sacramento State University in Sacramento, CA.
Hosts: Dr. Aaron J. Cohen (cohenaj@csus.edu)
Please submit titles and abstracts of no more than 200 words before Friday, March 7, 5 pm. See details below or visit https://www.csus.edu/college/arts-letters/history/clio-journal.html for more information.

New York West/Central Regional
This regional will be held at Nazareth University in Rochester, NY
Host: Dr. Phillip Guingona- pat@naz.edu

Virtual Arkansas and Tennessee Regional
This regional will be hosted on Microsoft Teams by the PAT Chapters of Arkansas Tech University, Harding University, Ouachita Baptist University-Arkadelphia, and the University of Memphis (the link will be emailed to registered participants by April 22).
Host: Professor Beverly Tsacoyianis- btscynis@memphis.edu
One-page paper and panel proposals are due by March 15, 2025.

International History Conference on WWII
This conference will be held at Dominican University New York in Orangeburg, NY.
All are welcome to attend!
Visit https://www.duny.edu/history-conference/ for all the details and to register!
Paper proposals are due February 28, 2025.

Southern California Regional
This regional will be held at California State University Bakersfield in Bakersfield, CA
Host: Professor Miriam Raub Vivian: mvivian@csub.edu
Submissions are due by March 3, 2025.

Louisiana Regional
This regional will be hosted by the University of Louisiana at Lafayette at the Crowne Plaza Executive Center in Baton Rouge, LA.
Host: Dr. Michael Martin: michael.martin@louisiana.edu

Oklahoma Regional
This regional will be held at Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford, OK.
Host: Dr. Sunu Kodumthara: sunu.kodumthara@swosu.edu

Hawaiʻi Regional
This regional will be held at University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa in Honolulu, HI.
Host: PATManoa@Hawaii.edu

Dakota Regional
This regional will be held at the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, SD
Host: Dr. Sara Lampert: Sara.Lampert@usd.edu
Papers will be accepted until January 17, 2025

This regional will be held at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign in Champaign, IL
Hosts: Professor James R. Brennan: jbrennan@illinois.edu
Professor Stefan Djordjevic: djordje1@illinois.edu
The deadline to submit an abstract is September 29.
The deadline to submit your presentation-ready paper to us is October 25.
We are now accepting submissions for titles and abstracts of papers to be presented at this conference that reasonably align with the theme of “Conflict and Culture.” We do not need your paper in its entirety, only the title and a cohesive abstract.
This call is open to the history of conflict and/or the history of culture from all time periods and geographic locations. You may also choose to challenge the theme in your paper presentation. Additionally, we welcome interdisciplinary projects that may emanate from fields outside of history. We do, however, require that your presentations focus on a historical topic or approach.
Our submission guidelines and expectations are as follows:
Submissions from any discipline, as long as they focus on a historical topic or approach, are encouraged. The submission deadline is September 29th, 2024 at 11:59 pm.
Submissions must be the original work of the author. These submissions should take the form of the title and abstract of the paper the author wishes to present. Abstracts should be under 250 words in total.
Submissions will be considered if they are submitted by undergraduate and/or recently graduated students.
Submissions should be sent to the UIUC Phi Alpha Theta’s conference email address (uiucpatconference@gmail.com) and all identifying information should be included in the body of the email, including home institution and academic year.
Submitting your title and abstract only qualifies you to be considered for a presentation at the conference. However, if your paper is accepted, you will have until October 25th to submit a completed draft of your conference paper to share with conference panel discussants.
Additionally, Phi Alpha Theta is partnering with the Undergraduate History Journal at Illinois to create a special, Conflict and Culture-themed edition of the Journal for the Spring 2025 semester, after the conference takes place. If you are interested in submitting your paper to be considered by the Journal, in addition to presenting it at the conference, please indicate that in your email to us as well.
Finally, if you are planning to present at or attend UIUC’s Phi Alpha Theta Conference this November, please fill out the following Google Form in order to register: https://forms.gle/NGpptQRhceqcPTes9.
Please reach out to the Conflict and Culture committee with any questions or concerns (uiucpatconference@gmail.com). We look forward to seeing you in November!

New York West/Central
This regional will be held at the University at Buffalo in Buffalo, NY
Hosts: Dr. Cari Casteel - caricast@buffalo.edu

California North Regional
This regional will be held at Cal State East Bay in Hayward, CA
Hosts: Dr. Anna Alexander - anna.alexander@csueastbay.edu

New York-New Jersey Regional
This regional will be held at the Dominican University in Orangeburg, NY
Host: Dr. Chris Libertini - Christopher.Libertini@duny.edu

Colorado Regional
This regional will be held at the University of Colorado - Colorado Springs in Colorado Springs, CO
Hosts: Kristy Wilson - kwilson2@uccs.edu
Dr. Evan Taparata - etaparat@uccs.edu
Call For Papers Deadline: March 1

Pennsylvania East Regional
This regional will be held at Rowan University in Glassboro, NJ
Hosts: Dr. Mikkel Dack - dack@rowan.edu

Virginia Regional
This regional will be held at the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) in Lexington VA (co-hosted with SVU)
Hosts: Dr. Liz Schroepfer - schroepferle@vmi.edu
Dr. Madeleine Ramsey - ramseymf@vmi.edu
Dr. David Cox - Davidcox@svu.edu
Call For Papers Deadline: February 12

Arkansas Regional
This regional will be held at Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, AR
Host: Dr. Christopher Mortenson - mortensonc@obu.edu

Texas East Regional
This regional will be held at the Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, TX
Hosts: Dr. Lydia Towns - lydia.towns@sfasu.edu
Call For Papers Deadline: February 5

Kentucky Regional
This regional will be held at Thomas More University in Crestview Hills, KY
Host: Dr. Anthony Baker - bakera@thomasmore.edu

Pacific Northwest Regional
This regional will be held at Eastern Washington University in Cheney, WA
Hosts: Dr. Joseph Lenti - jlenti@ewu.edu
Dr. Bill Youngs - jyoungs@ewu.edu

Mid-Atlantic Regional
This regional will be held at Bowie State University in Bowie, MD
Host: Dr. Tamara L. Brown - tlbrown@bowiestate.edu

Florida Regional
This regional will be held at the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL
Hosts: Dr. Steven Noll - nolls@ufl.edu

Carolinas Regional
This regional will be held at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke in Pembroke, NC
Hosts: Dr. Christopher Woolley - Christopher.Woolley@uncp.edu

Mountain West Regional
This regional will be held at Utah State University in Logan, UT
Hosts: Dr. Tammy Proctor - tammy.proctor@usu.edu

Tennessee Regional
This regional will be held at Tusculum University in Greeneville, TN
Hosts: Dr. Jeffrey Perry - jeperry@Tusculum.edu

Texas West/Central Regional
This regional will be held at Angelo State University in San Angelo, TX
Host: Dr. Rebekah McMillan - rebekah.mcmillan@angelo.edu

Louisiana Regional
This regional will be held at Hampton Inn and Suites Convention Center (1201 Convention Center Blvd., New Orleans, La. 70130), hosted by Lambda Rho from Louisiana Tech University.
Host: Dr. Elaine Thompson - elainet@latech.edu

California South Regional
This regional will be held at the University of La Verne in La Verne, CA
Host: Dr. Kenneth Marcus - kmarcus@laverne.edu
Call For Papers Deadline: February 16

Midwest Regional
The Midwest Regional will be held at the Courtyard by Marriott Hotel in Columbia, MO, hosted by the Park University chapter
Host: Dr. Tim Westcott - tim.westcott@park.edu
Visit shsmo.org/mch to learn more

Hawai'i Regional
The 40th Annual Hawai'i Regional will be held at Brigham Young University-Hawai'i in Laie, HI
Host: Dr. James Tueller - jim.tueller@byuh.edu

Alabama Regional
The Alabama Regional will be held at Auburn University in Auburn, AL
Host: Dr. Elijah Gaddis - elijah.gaddis@auburn.edu

Oklahoma Regional
This regional will be held at the University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond, OK
Hosts: Dr. Erik Huneke - ehuneke@uco.edu

Dakota Regional
This regional will be held at the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, SD
Host: Dr. Sara Lampert - sara.lampert@usd.edu