Phi Alpha Theta awards six Paper Prize Awards annually for outstanding papers written by members of the honor society:
•The George P. Hammond Prize of $500 for the best paper by a graduate student member of Phi Alpha Theta
•The Lynn W. Turner Prize of $500 for the best paper by an undergraduate student member of Phi Alpha Theta
•The Nels Andrew Cleven Founder’s Paper Prize Awards: two undergraduate and two graduate awards of $400 each for superior papers submitted by student members of Phi Alpha Theta
The essays should combine original historical research on significant subjects, based on source material and manuscripts if possible, with good English composition and superior style.
Only Email submissions will be accepted.
Please send to:
Format for submission below (Failure to follow the submission formatting will invalidate an entry)
Your email subject line should read:
2024 PAT Paper Prize UNDERGRADUATE or GRADUATE submission
(please select and use only one, UG or GR depending on your submission status)
Your Email text body should include the following information in this order please:
Name, College Affiliation i.e. John Smith, Harvard
The Title of Your Paper
Mailing Address, Phone Number, Email Address,
PAT chapter inducted into; Year inducted.
*Note* A letter of recommendation from either the Faculty Advisor or History Department Chair indicating the applicant’s chapter affiliation and whether the individual is a graduate or an undergraduate student should come as an attachment to your submission or they can be sent as a separate e-mail to with you name listed in the subject line.
Your essays need to be an e-mail attachment
(Please do not cut and paste your essay into the body of the e-mail text)
Essays need to be in a Word Document file
(You will be notified if your file cannot be opened and will be allowed to resend one time before August 1, which is one month after the deadline)
Key, *please note*
On your Essay submission, for your Title Page only state that — Your essays’ title.
Please do not include your Name or College affiliation on the Submitted Essay Title page. Students should also eliminate footers or headers, bearing the student’s name from individual pages of the paper, but pages must be consecutively numbered.
Papers submitted for consideration should be organized in a form similar to articles published in The Historian with footnotes, spelling, and punctuation conforming as nearly as possible to the rules of A Manual of Style (10th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1937, or later). A bibliography must be included with the submitted paper.
Entries that do not comply with these guidelines will be disqualified
If suitable for publication, the winners may be offered the opportunity of having their articles published in a future issue of The Historian.
The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all required documentation is received by the competition deadline. Incomplete applications or those submitted after the deadline or by individuals whose membership in Phi Alpha Theta cannot be verified will not be considered for the competition.